LWV-Vermont supports ranked choice voting (RCV), for all statewide elections.
Position In Brief:
The League of Women Voters of Vermont (LWVVT) will support ranked choice voting for all statewide elections.
Position History:
approved 1999, updated and reapproved 2017
“Instant Runoff Voting” is more often and more descriptively called “Ranked Choice Voting” in 2017. This position was reworded and reaffirmed at our state convention in 2017.
In accordance with the LWV’s position of promoting political responsibility through informed and active participation of citizens in government, the LWVVT will support legislation that assures that the candidate preferred by a majority of voters wins the election.
Specifically, the LWVVT will support ranked choice voting (RCV) for all statewide elections.
(Ranked Choice Voting has previously been termed “Instant Runoff Voting.”)