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Adopted March 19, 2024 

The League of Women Voters of Vermont was founded more than 100 years ago, to be a nonpartisan voice for American women who wanted free, fair, and open elections, above all else. 

The League of Women Voters of Vermont is nonpartisan. The League does not support or oppose any candidates or political parties. 

The League of Women Voters adopted an official Nonpartisan Policy for board members that delineate limits on their political activities. The purpose of this policy is to protect the nonpartisan reputation of the League, a duty entrusted to the Board of Directors.

Elected Office

The League President may not run for, nor hold any elected office while in office. Other Officers and Board members shall not run for nor hold federal or state elective office. 

Officers and Board members may run for office with party affiliation, after consultation and approval by the President.  The President may choose to consult with the LWVVT Board.  

Political Party Office

The President and other Officers shall not serve in any position in a political party. Other Board members shall not serve in political party positions at the federal and state level and shall abide by the LWVVT political activity policies regarding holding local political party positions.

Campaign Contributions

The President and Officers may not attend political party fundraising events or make campaign contributions for federal or state candidates. Other Board members may attend such fundraising events and make campaign contributions to any candidate at any level.

Political Campaigns

The President and Officers shall not chair or administer political party fundraising or political campaigns, chair a campaign event or work in a significant way in the campaign of a candidate for office at any level.  Other Board members may not undertake such activities for candidates for federal or state office, but may do so for candidates for local office, after consultation and approval by the LWWVT Board.  The Board shall consider the visibility of the Board member’s role in the campaign when making its determination.

This policy shall be reviewed and amended by the LWVVT Board at the beginning of each new biennium.

February 12, Zoom. 7 p.m.
Guide to Million Dollar Success
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Rep. Rebecca Holcombe, Vermont General Assembly
Harrison Stark, ACLU Vermont, Senior Staff Attorney