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Washington County Senate Candidate Forum

Northfield High School Auditorium 37 Cross Street, Suite 2, Northfield, VT, United States

Northfield High School Auditorium, 37 Cross Street, Suite 2, Northfield Friday October 18 @ 6.30-8:30 pm Forum: 7:00-8:30 pm Meet & Greet: 6:30-7:00 pm The League of Women Voters will host an in-person Candidate Forum for six Washington County candidates vying for three open seats in the Senate: Incumbent Montpelier residents, Democrats Ann Cummings and Anne Watson and Andrew… Read More »Washington County Senate Candidate Forum

Naturalization Ceremony

Burlington Courthouse

Immigrants from a multitude of countries take the Oath of Allegiance and become American citizens at a judicial ceremony hosted by the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS). The League of Women Voters of Vermont plays a pivotal role registering new citizens to vote following the Naturalization Ceremony. Wednesday, November 13 | 11 AM | Burlington Courthouse

Lecture Series: Presidential Immunity. Trump v. United States 


Registration: Join us for “Presidential Immunity,” the first in the League’s 2024-25 Lecture Series on Recent Supreme Court Decisions. On July 1, 2024, in a historic and controversial decision, the Supreme Court of the United States held that under the constitutional structure of separated powers, a former President is entitled to absolute immunity from criminal… Read More »Lecture Series: Presidential Immunity. Trump v. United States 


Naturalization Ceremony

Burlington Courthouse

Immigrants from a multitude of countries take the Oath of Allegiance and become American citizens at a judicial ceremony hosted by the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS). The League of Women Voters of Vermont plays a pivotal role registering new citizens to vote following the Naturalization Ceremony. Wednesday, December 11 | 11 AM | Burlington Courthouse

Lecture Series: Homeless Camping on Public Property. City of Grants Pass, Oregon v. Johnson

Lecture Series: Homeless Camping on Public Property. City of Grants Pass, Oregon v. Johnson Virtual presentation. Zoom. Free. RSVP: Join us for “Homeless Camping on Public Property,” the second in the League’s 2024-25 Lecture Series on Recent Supreme Court Decisions. On June 28, 2024, the Supreme Court of the United States by a vote of… Read More »Lecture Series: Homeless Camping on Public Property. City of Grants Pass, Oregon v. Johnson


Lecture Series: Chevron Doctrine Overruled. Loper Bright Enterprises v. Raimondo


January 8 @ 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm EST Lecture Series: Chevron Doctrine Overruled. Loper Bright Enterprises v. Raimondo Virtual presentation. Zoom. Free. RSVP: Join us for “Chevron Doctrine Overruled, Limits power of regulatory agencies” the third in the League’s 2024-25 Lecture Series on Recent Supreme Court Decisions. On June 28, 2024, the Supreme Court… Read More »Lecture Series: Chevron Doctrine Overruled. Loper Bright Enterprises v. Raimondo


Naturalization Ceremony

Burlington Courthouse

Immigrants from a multitude of countries take the Oath of Allegiance and become American citizens at a judicial ceremony hosted by the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS). The League of Women Voters of Vermont plays a pivotal role registering new citizens to vote following the Naturalization Ceremony. Wednesday, February 5 | 11 AM | Burlington Courthouse

Lecture Series: Using Public Funds for Religious Schools. Carson v. Makin


Virtual presentation. Zoom. Free. RSVP: Join us for “Using Public Funds for Religious Schools” the fourth in the League’s 2024-25 Lecture Series on Recent Supreme Court Decisions. On June 21, 2022, the Supreme Court of the United States by a vote of 6-3, issued a landmark decision in Carson v. Makin, ruling that the… Read More »Lecture Series: Using Public Funds for Religious Schools. Carson v. Makin

League of Women Voters Day

On this day, we celebrate our impact and achievements. Created in 1920, the League of Women Voters was a powerful voice in the women’s suffrage movement as we campaigned for the right to vote, educated women about the election process, and lobbied for legislation affecting women. Today, we continue our advocacy for voting rights and… Read More »League of Women Voters Day

Naturalization Ceremony

Burlington Courthouse

Immigrants from a multitude of countries take the Oath of Allegiance and become American citizens at a judicial ceremony hosted by the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS). The League of Women Voters of Vermont plays a pivotal role registering new citizens to vote following the Naturalization Ceremony. Wednesday, March 5 | 11 AM |… Read More »Naturalization Ceremony

Naturalization Ceremony

Milton High School, Milton

Immigrants from a multitude of countries take the Oath of Allegiance and become American citizens at a judicial ceremony hosted by the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS). The League of Women Voters of Vermont plays a pivotal role registering new citizens to vote following the Naturalization Ceremony. Thursday, April 10 | 1 PM |… Read More »Naturalization Ceremony

Naturalization Ceremony

Barstow Memorial School, Barstow

Immigrants from a multitude of countries take the Oath of Allegiance and become American citizens at a judicial ceremony hosted by the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS). The League of Women Voters of Vermont plays a pivotal role registering new citizens to vote following the Naturalization Ceremony. Tuesday, May 13 | 1 PM |… Read More »Naturalization Ceremony

February 12, Zoom. 7 p.m.
Guide to Million Dollar Success
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Rep. Rebecca Holcombe, Vermont General Assembly
Harrison Stark, ACLU Vermont, Senior Staff Attorney