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Photo by Terry J. Allen

Where the heavy lifting happens…

Interested in becoming involved with the League of Women Voters throughout the year? Join one of our committees and help drive changes in voting, government, and healthcare. Match your interests in service to our community. Sign up for a Committee today!

The League is committed to civic engagement and encourages citizens to participate in government by voting. We conduct voter registration drives at festivals, farmer’s markets, outside grocery stores, in malls, and any place we think we can reach voters. You can help plan and volunteer at our voter registration events, distributing nonpartisan information on voting. Training on registering voters is provided. Email

As a first step to participating in civic life, the Youth Voter Project introduces youth to the importance of voting by helping them register to vote in schools, colleges, and other venues. You can coordinate voter registration drives with our Site Managers by identifying potential schools, training and communicating with volunteers, developing materials, and determining needs/resources. Get in touch with Anne Mixer, Chair.

The League plays a pivotal role at Naturalization Ceremonies, where becoming an American citizen fulfills lifelong dreams for immigrants from a multitude of countries. At these solemn and joyous ceremonies, immigrants take the Oath of Allegiance and are welcomed as new United States citizens.  With citizenship, comes the responsibility of voting and you can help the League register our newest voters. Email Sonja Schuyler.

Photo credit: Edmond Dantès

With municipal non-U.S. citizen voting approved in Montpelier, Winooski, and Burlington, the League will be encouraging immigrant voters in those communities to register, vote, and participate in their local government. You can sign up to work at voter registration drives with immigrant organizations and/or make educational presentations on this topic across the state. The committee typically meets once a month. Email Marguerite Adelman, Chair.

In Vermont, incarcerated citizens have the right to vote, even while incarcerated. The League has worked in partnership with the Vermont Department of Corrections to register inmates to vote and has provided correctional facilities with instructional videos and educational materials to assist inmates in their efforts to register. If you would like to learn more about this program and be called upon when voter registration drives are scheduled in our county, email Madeline Motta.

Photo credit: FairVote Illinois

The League supports ranked choice voting for statewide elections. With legislators considering ranked choice voting for federal elections, the League is working to familiarize voters with this new voting system. You can help our public education efforts by answering questions when tabling at fairs and events, running mock elections, drafting articles and action alerts, strategizing, and giving testimony at the Statehouse. Training is provided. Contact Betty Keller, Chair.

The League enjoys a stellar reputation when it comes to providing voters with factual, unbiased, and non-partisan information through candidate forums. Every election year we host debates and forums for candidates running at all levels of government, from congressional races to statewide offices, city government, local school boards, and everything in between. You will work with a team to review logistics, invitations, forum structure, questions, co-sponsorships and promotion. The Committee meets as needed. Email Sonja Schuyler, Chair.

Want to support important policies and legislative change? Amplify our voice in state government? Raise the League’s visibility and influence with legislators? You will follow bills before the State Legislature and take action in support of or opposition to specific legislation based on our positions. We will build effective relationships and communications with legislators, write legislative committee members, prepare oral and/or written testimony, and serve as a resource to lawmakers. Email Kate Rader.

Be part of the League’s work to improve health care for all. We have addressed a variety of issues related to equitable, affordable, and accessible health care. For 30 years, the League has supported a national health insurance plan financed through general taxes in place of individual insurance premiums. We have worked for state-funded health care in Vermont and on the national level. The work goes on. To participate, contact Betty Keller, Chair. Meetings are called as needed, by video conference.

The League partners with Kellogg-Hubbard Library (Montpelier) in organizing an annual series of discussion topics focusing on League issues. You can work with members to plan and coordinate the series and develop a robust lineup of speakers on a range of timely topics affecting voters in Vermont. Planning sessions are held in summer for the series kickoff in late Fall through early Spring. The Committee meets as needed. Please email Kate Rader.

Plan and recruit folks to march in the League’s biggest community awareness event, the July 3 Montpelier Independence Day Parade. Festively dressed in the fashion of suffrage – broad-brimmed flowery hats, white tops draped with VOTE sashes, and black skirts/pants – marchers ring cowbells, twirl windsocks, wave and smile to the crowds amidst spontaneous dancing. This fun, crowd-pleaser is one to sign up for! Planning begins in June. Email Chris Abrams, Parade Coordinator.

If you have any questions about getting involved in a committee that interests you, please get in touch with the appropriate contact person or email